The spiritual testament of Lent 1959
On February 11, 1959, at the opening of Lent, the pastors of the People of God in Rwanda addressed a message to their faithful called the “Lenten Pastoral Letter”. But what does that mean? Explanations.
On February 11, 1959, at the opening of Lent, the pastors of the People of God in Rwanda addressed a message to their faithful called the “Lenten Pastoral Letter”. But what does that mean? Explanations.
Le 11 février 1959, à l’ouverture du Carême, les pasteurs du peuple de Dieu au Rwanda adressent à leurs fidèles un message appelé « mandement de Carême ». Mais qu’est-ce que cela veut dire ? Explications. LE-TESTAMENT-SPIRITUEL-DU-CAREME-1959-2Télécharger
Biographie de Mgr Perraudin